A bunch of overdue updates

Well, once again life is distracting me…preventing me from posting updates timely. I have not had a lot of time for anything on the computer lately other than necessities like email. (And even that tends to get backed up on the one account.) I will try to get everything in…because a LOT has happened.

Me: Same old stuff, mostly. However, a bit of good news: the wounds have FINALLY closed!

Buddy: He is going through physical therapy at the moment, and the injection was put off. He has upgraded to heavier painkillers (at home, anyhow.) At this point, surgery seems inevitable. Possibly two: one to fix the slipped disc caused by his Spina Bifida, and the other to fuse the spine and correct the Spina Bifida itself. The arthritis? Who knows, the injection may come sooner or later. For now, he made the heartbreaking decision to not do the spring musical. This one requires a lot of dancing, something he just cannot do right now.

Sierra: Not much change, there…

Brian: He has been the main reason for less time in my life. He got into a bad car accident just before Thanksgiving. “Bad” is an understatement. The cops arrived on the scene and were shocked he survived. It gives more meaning to “Thanksgiving”, because I am so grateful that he did not leave me. It was during a heavy rainstorm, and he slammed on the brakes because a tractor trailer was in front of him. Because of the rain, however, he hydroplaned into the back of it. (So much for “anti-lock brakes”!) He got away from the accident with surprisingly few injuries…the worst of which was a badly broken wrist. Even that is an understatement, as he did the equivalent of severing it on the inside! (Bones, tendons, ligaments, everything.) When he arrived in the ER, his wrist was actually above his hand. They temporarily set the break, removed glass from his arm, and let him go home. The orthopaedic surgeon at our local hospital saw him a few days after, and let him know it was the worst possible injury for a wrist/hand. He had surgery a couple of weeks later, after allowing time for the swelling to go down. He is now two weeks out of surgery, and went for his follow-up today. The wrist is coming along good, supported by a “bit” of metal plates and screws. 🙂 They removed the cast, and put on a removable split. He starts physical therapy later this week. It looks good so far, and we are praying that he will not need anymore surgeries. (He might if it starts slipping the other way.) In the meantime, he can not drive or work, so he is trying to get the short term disability from his work. Like we really need more disability battles in this house! *LOL* He has been home since November 16th, and will be out at least another 4 weeks, possibly 6. To top things off, shortly after the accident a large lump starting forming on his upper thigh near his torso. We have no idea what it is (hernia, fluid, etc.) Waiting on a response to the ultrasound.

The car did not survive the accident, and the insurance company will be providing the funeral services. 🙄

That is all, for now. Why do my updates have to have so much drama, lately?


I am a married mother of 3 kids who is a self-proclaimed Lion King fanatic! I am obsessed with crafting, and anything Coca-Cola. I am also a survivor of both ovarian and endometrial cancers (plus breast and colon pre-cancers), and pay it forward by volunteering for Relay for Life and The American Cancer Society.

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