An update that has been a long time coming

It seems sometimes that the updates are just spreading farther and farther apart. I post things here and there on Facebook, sometimes Twitter or Google+, but nothing in depth. Time at the computer gets crazy, and pain keeps me from crafting too much. (Thus the lack of craft updates.)

I spent my two long awaited trips in a wheelchair, for the most part, with leftover surgical pain. I heal very slowly. There was a bout with infection. Because of this, swimming was not advised. I had to attend jury duty, in a lot of pain, and thankfully was not chosen. I almost had to serve on the federal jury, as well! Thankfully Kenzie being the age she is got me excused. On Monday, my disability case finally comes. My lawyer will be at my side. Please pray that all goes well.

Other than that, I am in the clear for another 6 months, at least, in regards to cancer remission. It is hard attending those visits. There is always that nagging thought that perhaps the numbers will not be as great this time, or maybe a tumor will show on a CT scan. The feeling goes away with test results, and the cycle begins a few months later. I’m sure any cancer patient could tell you about that. The other issues are the same, as always. Medication only does so much to help the foot pain, or the Fibromyalgia pain. I see pain management every 3 months. There is nothing to help with the dizzy spells courtesy of CFS. Same old stuff. But God seems to bring me through every trial, and helps me overcome a lot of the stress that comes along with it all. I know that there is a reason for everything.

But I will now move on to Buddy. Tomorrow we travel down to the Nemours/Alfred I. duPont Hospital for Children in Delaware. (And thus also starts a cycle of anxiety issues for Brian, who gets so stressed when me or the kids have problems.) Buddy will need to go through his pre-op testing for the next week’s surgery. It is an almost 2 hour drive, but as I have said, no one around here will operate! Next Friday is the surgery itself. Things are moving along so fast. We expect to be there at least 2-3 days in the hospital, between surgery and recovery. I have to be careful, with my restricted diet, to stock up on quickie foods that I can actually eat, not knowing what kind of food I will be able to find down there. The hospital seems to be accommodating towards families, with lots of on site resources to make the stay comfortable for not just Buddy, but for us as well. It will b a long recovery for Buddy, and lots of time out of school. Please also keep him in your thoughts and prayers. (See previous posts for specifics on why he is getting the surgery.)

For Sierra, things are the same. She also suffers from Fibromyalgia and Migraines, lovely things she inherited from me. So things have been tough for her. The only one immune, so far, to all of these illnesses is Kenzie.


I am a married mother of 3 kids who is a self-proclaimed Lion King fanatic! I am obsessed with crafting, and anything Coca-Cola. I am also a survivor of both ovarian and endometrial cancers (plus breast and colon pre-cancers), and pay it forward by volunteering for Relay for Life and The American Cancer Society.

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