Yes, I am finally doing this, as promised. *checks it off her mental list* And, to help me out with this project, my husband will actually be helping me. I got my beloved LG Ally in October. My husband, not one to have his wife outdo him on technology, got his HTC Droid Incredible this month (free at Best Buy!) My brother also recently joined the bandwagon with the Samsung Fascinate. Why Droids? We are Verizon Wireless customers through and through. And although we love our iPods, we are not all that crazy about the iPhone. It IS being released next month to Verizon…but it will not be what iPhone AT&T customers are used to. Blackberry is just too business, Palm is dying, and Windows Phone…let’s not go there. Verizon is refusing at this point to even jump to Windows Phone 7. The best thing in Android’s favor? Google is a plus, but having tons of FREE apps is the deal maker.
Before I get to the apps, a few things. We are both running Android version 2.2 (Froyo.) Although the Ally did not officially get the Froyo update OTA, you can get it if you use LG’s mobile update software. The new HTC Droid Incredibles are coming with it pre-installed. Some apps are available to the Droid Incredible due to the large internal memory and processor. The Ally, sadly, cannot handle some of these (i.e. Flash.) I cannot guarantee compatibility of the apps on any older Droids (anything before ver. 2.1 – Eclair. Boy these names sound yummy!)
For those wanting to start on a new Droid, I really recommend getting a Google account now, if you haven’t already, and transition to Gmail. Set up your contacts and your calendar…when you sign on to your new Droid, they’ll sync right in!
Now, on to the Apps!
Web Browsers:
Yes, there is a stock browser pre-installed, but there are a bunch of options. Our favorites?
Skyfire – Why do I love it? My Ally is otherwise incapable of Flash…or so I thought. Skyfire magically takes Flash videos on pages and transforms them into Ally friendly HTML5 format. I know there are other older Droid phones that cannot handle Flash, either, that this app will prove essential for.
Mozilla Firefox – Brian’s pick is Firefox. I will admit, I am normally a die hard Firefox fan. Unfortunately for me, Firefox needs a LOT of internal memory (32MB to install and run. This is beyond the capabilities of the Ally…and thus it does not even show in the Android Market for me. For those with more powerful phone? This would also be my top pick.
Social Networking:
Some of these, depending on your device may come pre-installed.
Facebook – I admit it, I am a Facebook junkie. Brian, not so much. Having Facebook with you on an app? Priceless. This came pre-installed on both of our phones.
Twitter – I also Tweet. 😀 Twitter has their own official app. Although I am perfectly happy with the official app, a lot of users also recommend Seesmic.
I am on the lookout for when Yoono comes to Android. They currently have an iPhone app, so I am hopeful. For those who are not using it as a Firefox plugin for your computer, it consolidates all of your social networking and IM programs into one feed!
Key Ring – This app is a MUST in my eyes. You know all those loyalty cards that clog your wallet, and the keyring versions that outnumber your keys? Ever lose one of those cards/tags and go crazy digging though dozens to find the right card? This app consolidates them in one place. This app will accept all of your cards, and on demand brings up a barcode on your screen that a store can scan. Whether using this as a backup, or even to save room in your wallet, this app is useful for everyone. A bonus? it even hooks up with some retailers (i.e. Sears) to give exclusive offers directly on your phone!
Shopkick – I LOVE this app! It’s like a virtual treasure hunt…shopping edition. You check into stores for points, and prove you saw items on the list by scanning the barcode. It is sponsored by many great retailers such as Best Buy and Macy’s. Points can be redeemed, of course, for gift certificates for the sponsoring retailers, as well as for coveted Facebook points and other goodies. (If you download this, be sure to put in my referral code: OWL96 We BOTH receive bonus points!)
Barcode Scanner – This app uses your phone’s camera as a scanner (the above Shopkick app does, too) to do a price comparison on an item you want to buy! If this wasn’t reasson enough to make this app a fun toy, it also scans the QR codes. (Which seem to be the standard way for both app devs and retailers are using for linking purposes. I have already seen Sears have these codes in their circulars, and you scan the code with your phone to get more details.)
ShopSavvy – Brian’s pick. It does the same as the above Barcode Scanner app, but heavier on the info and price checks. (No QR scanner, though.)
Pandora – Another of Brian’s picks, this is free internet radio! (Can’t run this on my Ally, it always crashes, but it is one awesome app from what I have seen on his phone.)
Kindle (Amazon) – A free app, and tons of free books available online, too. If you want more popular new releases, you have to be willing to pay for titles. I have found, however, that a lot of classic novels…the type your kids might be having to read for HS lit, are mostly free. Save yourself a trip to the library…or worse…the bookstore.
Fandango – There is an official Fandango app…you can not only purchase the tickets and see movie schedules, but also see trailers!
Zedge – This app has tons of free ringtones and wallpapers. What’s that? Free? Yes, Verizon Wireless customers…you are no longer forced to buy ringtones (or try to hack your phone.)
YouTube Widget – This should be preinstalled on most phones. The most popular videos scroll through on your main page on this widget. Never be out of the loop on the next viral video! (Perfect for watching Shane and =3!) – Watch TV shows right on your phone!
Angry Birds – Both Brian and I agree (and my brother would have to, as well) that this game by Rovio is THE best game for your Droid. How can you go wrong? Throwing birds to kill green pigs? Addictive!
Jewels – MHGames’ free answer to the popular Bejeweled, this game is just as addictive.
Drag Toilet Paper (Reverie) – *sigh* Brian made me add his person pick. This game involves using your finger to drag the toilet paper until the roll is empty. The only plus I see to this is he actually had our 8 year old daughter totally occupied playing this. Other than that? … His slogan? “Your cats do it, and now you can, too…without the mess.” Men!!!
I’d love to highlight more games, but so many and so little time.
Lookout – A mobile security app…anti-virus, phone locator, and more all wrapped in one. It does slow down the phone a little bit. But…the pros outweigh the cons. I especially love that you can remotely access your phone. If you lose it, it will GPS track it. If it is lost somewhere in your house, it will turn on an alarm so you can find it…even if you have your phone silenced!
Ledgerist – Do away with your checkbook, and keep it all on your phone! This app is simple, and free! (Say goodbye to paying for Quickbook, or not seeing your outstanding items in your online balance.) As a former banker, I personally recommend this. Brian loves it, too!
Out of Milk – This app is another MUST. Instead of handwritten grocery lists that tend to get lost, I have this on my phone. I update it immediately when the item comes to my mind, and keep a running list at all times. This also features a virtual spice rack and pantry, to keep inventories, and a to-do list with deadline dates. (Looking for a to-do list without the grocery? Try Astrid, instead!)
Evernote – Looking for a “notepad” equivalent for your Droid? This is a great app to try! It syncs to your online account, so no worries if your phone has to be replaced!
Other Useful Apps:
Google Maps – Again, a stock app, but is great! You can add on a extra feature (also free but you have to download) called Street View, and it will on most roads give you a road view. Of course, there is also the option to toggle on the satellite and look at buildings and such.
CamCard Lite – This program scans your business cards and reads them to automatically enter into your Google Contacts. The full version costs, but the lite version is free and allows up to 2 scans per week. That is usually more than enough for the average person just adding the occasional doctor or whatever.
Google Goggles – This app is just FUN! Use your camera to take a picture of something within the app, and your phone “knows” what it is!
Google Translate – Perfect for the traveler…it even speaks the translation for you to leave out the guesswork.
Fart Droid – As you can guess, this was NOT one of my recommendations. However, my husband AND brother both have this…and use it frequently. Brian insisted this app had to be included. I’m thinking this is the last one I will put on here for him. All I will say about the app is that it has various sound effects you can use. (And I hear this used, followed by sounds of laughing, quite often.)
Scanner Radio – This turns your phone into a police scanner.
Have an app that you love and want to see featured on my blog? Send me the details! I hope to do future features.
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