Cancer Awareness

Cancer Awareness: Becky’s Story

I have one more cancer story to share with you, from Becky: "I am a 55 year old married mom…

10 years ago

Ovarian Cancer Awareness: Beverly’s Story

Since this is OC awareness month, and it is soon coming to a close, I wanted to share someone else's…

10 years ago

Cancer Awareness: September

I've slacked off a bit with monthly updates for cancer awareness. *blushes* I've jumped back into it in the month…

11 years ago

Cancer Awareness: May

May brings two types of cancer to forefront: brain cancer and melanoma/skin cancer. Brain cancer is represented by the grey…

11 years ago

Cancer Awareness: April

I'm a bit late getting to the cancer awareness post for this month. (Partially becauseĀ I've been feeling so lousy, lately.)…

11 years ago

The Dangers of Heredity: The BRCA1 and BRCA2 Genes

On my ovarian cancer awareness page in the menu, the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes get only a brief mention, buried…

11 years ago

Cancer Awareness: March

I seem to have come full circle with my monthly cancer awareness posts. Rather than post again, and duplicate all…

11 years ago

Don’t Forget: Lung Leavin’ Day

A few days ago I posted about Heather Von St. James' awareness project called Lung Leavin' Day. (See original post…

11 years ago

Cancer Awareness: February

As we move into February, we hit National Cancer Prevention Month. It kind of ties in with my local Relay…

11 years ago

Cancer Awareness: Lung Leavin’ Day

For any of you that regularly read my blog, you'll know that although I have ovarian cancer, I make it…

11 years ago

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