Medical (Lyn)


It is ironic. I was excited for this summer. We are finally getting a real vacation after four years. (All…

13 years ago

Overdue updates

Well, some good news for a change. The insurance mess I mentioned previously has been resolved...kind of. They did (FINALLY)…

13 years ago

Family, Doctors, and Lawyers, Oh My!

Once again, it has been a big gap between my last posting and now. But, boy do I have some…

13 years ago

Updates for a New Year!

A new year begins, and hopefully things will start turning around for us soon. There really is no new progress…

13 years ago

A bunch of overdue updates

Well, once again life is distracting me...preventing me from posting updates timely. I have not had a lot of time…

13 years ago

It’s Mostly About Buddy

Well, for once a blog entry is not primarily about my medical ailments. As some of you might have heard,…

13 years ago

Family updates

This time I can update on others besides me! But I guess I can start with my stuff. I am…

13 years ago

Surgery results

The surgery was performed on Monday. The doctor ended up having to open two parts of the incisional area. The…

13 years ago


Two trips to doctors have taken place this week. The first was to my primary care doctor. I see him…

14 years ago

Back to the surgeon…

I previously posted this on Facebook, and forgot to update things here. I visited the wound care doctor on Tuesday.…

14 years ago

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