Categories: Medical (Lyn)

For every new doctor, you get a few more?

Why is it I always seem to get more doctors when I try to cut down on some? As mentioned in my last medical update, I went to go see my new gyn. onc. at my new local hospital last week. They are in the process of taking over my care from Robert Wood Johnson. As anticipated, I am being referred to a new surgeon to take care of my adrenal mass. But, I get one more to add to the mix, I guess. I am being sent for genetic testing and counciling. Since I have a type of cancer that usually works on genetics, and no one in my family had this type of cancer, they want to see if maybe the gene is there (and maybe skipped some generations?) The same gene mutation that causes ovarian cancer also causes breast cancer, so I have to be doubly careful. Unfortunately, if I test positive, they will need to evaluate my family members to see where the genes started. And that means my daughters could be prone to this cancer, and then backwards in the family, such as my cousins and aunt. I don’t think this will turn up anything, however, as no one in my family had any of these types of cancers, on either side.

On a side note, I saw my old surgeon, who handled the hernia surgeries, last week as well. The surgical pain had gone away, and then mysteriously came back. I guess I will have to take it easy for a while, as the doctor thinks I maybe pulled a stitch or something. I try to push myself after surgeries, and it just does not work!


I am a married mother of 3 kids who is a self-proclaimed Lion King fanatic! I am obsessed with crafting, and anything Coca-Cola. I am also a survivor of both ovarian and endometrial cancers (plus breast and colon pre-cancers), and pay it forward by volunteering for Relay for Life and The American Cancer Society.

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