My last update filled everyone in on the discovery of a new family cancer history. I didn’t get to put any of the other updates that have happened recently.

Dale (Pop Pop) finally finished chemo! His last dose was last week!

As I posted last, we got two bunnies. The “stray” bunny, Bun Bun, has been going through issues. I had made a quick update on Facebook regarding some of it. She apparently came from a house in Sierra’s friend’s neighborhood. They breed/hoard the bunnies so they can eat!!! Well, both Thumper and Bun Bun went to the vet, and since Bun Bun was exposed to the outdoors, she needed to be tested for diseases and whatnot so she would not infect Thumper. (We have not let them be exposed to each other.) Well, Bun Bun tested positive for Coccidia parasites. So, these people are not only killing the bunnies, but the bunnies are sick besides. (And imagine the gross factor that they’re eating bunnies with parasites.) Bun Bun’s medicine was purchased through the vet, and she is almost done with it. Hopefully by the next appointment, she will be clear. (Although the vet said she may never get rid of it, even after the meds.) Bun Bun really escaped death in many ways: escaping the evil bunny eater people, managing to escape being eating by predators before finally being rescued, and by finding a family willing to get her medical help.

As for me,  there’s been some recent news. The tests came back from the rheumatologist. I do not have Sjögren’s Syndrome, which is good news (but doesn’t explain my symptoms!) I saw the endocrinologist a couple of weeks ago. She is sending me for further testing to see if I have Addison’s Disease, due to the low cortisol levels (and the missing adrenal gland, leaving the other one possibly underfunctioning.) Hopefully I will have results in the coming weeks.

I also visited the cardiologist last week. The good news is I do not have the prolonged QT! It was just a glitch on the machine at the PCP’s office during the ECG. (Hopefully this will mean I can try the other sleep meds the sleep doctor wanted to try but couldn’t because they thought I had the prolonged QT.) The nuclear stress test was normal. So was the holter monitor test. The echocardiogram, however, showed an issue: I have a heart defect. The doctor explained that my aortal valve is supposed to be tricuspid. (In other words, it should have 3 leaflets.) Mine seems to be bicuspid, instead, as I am missing one of the leaflets. The doctor said this would be a birth defect, and possibly hereditary. I might not have symptoms right now, but I have a good chance of having them like in my 50’s or 60’s. For now, I will be monitored yearly, but I should go to the emergency room if anything acts up.

Well that’s all for now. Hopefully I will have more to report soon!


I am a married mother of 3 kids who is a self-proclaimed Lion King fanatic! I am obsessed with crafting, and anything Coca-Cola. I am also a survivor of both ovarian and endometrial cancers (plus breast and colon pre-cancers), and pay it forward by volunteering for Relay for Life and The American Cancer Society.

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