I am going to start featuring one of my websites each week to drive more traffic to them. 🙂 (*This idea was later scrapped*)
This week the spotlight is on The Lion King Pride Forum!
Originally this forum started off as a sub-service of The Lion King Pride and was a small simple board on Delphi. It then moved to Bravenet. As the forum grew, it was moved to ProBoards, where it remained for a few years and gathered over 400 members. When I got my own domain, and better forum software, the forum made it’s final move at the beginning of 2009 totlkpride.org. We are now up to over 150 members in the new location, picking up new fans daily. It is now one of the most popular Lion King themed forums, and has grown in popularity even over the site is was originally a sub-service of!
Are you a Lion King fan? Then find your home with people who understand your addiction!