Quite a bit has happened recently. As I type this, I am fighting off a really bad sinus infection. (I’m on antibiotics.)

I have been to the ER three times in the last month. The first two times was due to pain in my side and back. I’ve had multiple tests at this point. The CT scan did not show anything that could be causing the pain, but showed something a bit more frightening: a small mass on my left kidney. I have been ill since last July, and the symptoms kinda were typical of a flareup of my cancer. But having the symptoms, and seeing a mass, are two totally different things. I see the gyn/onc in a few weeks, but for now he’s monitoring it.

I went for the Addison’s Disease testing, and it came up negative! It’s good to get a bit of good news, for once. On the other hand, the doctors are still scrambling to figure everything out.

My PCP started me on new sleeping pills. (Since the heart tests I mentioned earlier showed I did NOT have a prolonged QT, we are able to try a whole new spectrum of meds.) These meds are actually working a little! Instead of falling asleep at like 4-5am, it brought me to like 1am. They’ve since doubled the dosage, and then doubled it again. They’re helping, but not yet to the point where I’d like to see. (Ideally, I want to shoot for like 10-11pm.) But, it’s a step in the right direction! Up until now, none of the sleeping meds worked at all. (Rozerem, Ambien, Lunesta, Resteril, and even switching my migraine prevention from Nortriptyline to Amitriptyline.)

(Sorry, I know this is getting long, but I did say a lot has happened!)

Lastly, I really can’t walk very well. Yes, yes, I know I have a brace on my right ankle, and used a crutch. Well, at a breast cancer event this past weekend, I was volunteering, counting the money that came in with a crew of volunteers. We took a bathroom break, and went upstairs in the building. Coming out of the elevator, the lights from the elevator illuminated the hallway. Coming back, the hall was pitch black. Unfortunately, I upgraded my phone last week and forgot to install a flashlight app. So, I felt along the walls, and overshot the elevator. Right past it was a set of stairs I did not know was there, and I fell into them. I banged up both knees, bruised both legs, and wrecked my left (good) foot…mostly on the big toe, but all over, as well. Brian drove me to the ER, and xrays showed no break in the big toe I thought was broken (but they said it could be fractured and not show.) At my regular weekly visit to the doctor, however, my PCP did not like the looks of the foot and suspected it probably is fractured. I was fitted for a medical boot that goes up to my knee. So, now, I have the brace on the right foot, my left big toe is taped to another toe, and the brace is protecting the rest of the foot. It’s like I don’t have a foot to limp onto. LOL

I know there’s something else, but it just flitted out of my head. I’ll edit later if I have to. More updates will come soon, hopefully!


I am a married mother of 3 kids who is a self-proclaimed Lion King fanatic! I am obsessed with crafting, and anything Coca-Cola. I am also a survivor of both ovarian and endometrial cancers (plus breast and colon pre-cancers), and pay it forward by volunteering for Relay for Life and The American Cancer Society.

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