I have been feeling so poorly, lately, that I’ve been out of touch all around…Facebook, too, other that a few random posts. I would love to promise I will post more, but it is what it is.
I will start with Pop Pop. He has been hanging in there. His second dose of chemo took place last week. He spent the rest of the week at our house to recover, so he would not be alone. 2 more doses to go!
Sierra graduated last month!!! She managed to not only graduate in the top 25% of her class, but also got a silver cord for going above and beyond her required community service hours (over double the requirement, and she didn’t log most of them!)

She visited her new rheumatologist for the first time last month. Some blood works is on the horizon for her, and some meds were increased.
As a family, we had a major change. We moved out of my parents’ house and into a 4 bedroom townhouse two weeks ago. It went quickly…we viewed the townhouse on a Saturday, had our application approved on Monday, and moved in on Friday, the 4th of July. We had to get a lot of appliances and furniture, as we lived with my parents and did not own all that much. Things are still moving back and forth, so we still have a lot to do.
As for me, no changes. I have been seeing a lot of doctors and am still waiting for a diagnosis for everything.
Hopefully I will have more to update soon.