This week was filled with doctors visits.

I saw the endocrinologist on Tuesday. He confirmed the Grave’s Disease, and explained my options. At this point, I am on medication to regulate things. Unfortuntely, this is only a temporary fix. The fix will get me steady enough to have the adrenal surgery, and then a more permanent “fix” can be done later on down the road. (Which either makes me swallow a radioactive pill to kill the thyroid or have the thyroid surgically removed.) Again, since I am now having pain, his recommendation stands that I should have the surgery done ASAP.

I then saw the surgeon on Wednesday. Again, he said I need to actually wait. I will see him again in January (he wants me to at least have one holiday season free of recovering from something) and he will schedule the surgery at that appointment. To further complicate things, the major hernia is back again, with a new one popping up, as well. (This new one is NOT the second one that was repaired previously…this is a third one.) So…this will be the third repair of this particular hernia. I asked if I could have the hernias and the adrenal thing done at the same time. At first he said “no”, then paused and said “maybe”. He explained he needs to contemplate how he will go ahead with the surgery (or surgeries), but that the mass/tumor remains the priority. (Finally! The hernias have always seemed to take priority.) I just have to be careful in my activities, I guess, to make sure the hernias don’t strangulate.

Ah well, this was a short update. I hope to be able to do it more often. Besides, it seems that everytime I visit a doctor, they find something else wrong. 🙄


I am a married mother of 3 kids who is a self-proclaimed Lion King fanatic! I am obsessed with crafting, and anything Coca-Cola. I am also a survivor of both ovarian and endometrial cancers (plus breast and colon pre-cancers), and pay it forward by volunteering for Relay for Life and The American Cancer Society.

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