As some of my friends know, I have a short Lion King YouTube video:
It is basically a spoof I made on a whim. The beginning lyrics of “The Circle of Life” are in Swahili, so as a joke I made an “unheard lyrics” clip. (In other words, what they SOUND like it says.) Up until yesterday, only a few random friends from The Lion King Pride Forum had seen, and commented on, the video. This morning I woke up, and got flooded with like 30 comments in my inbox. At first I though I was being spammed, until I read a few. Curious, I went to YouTube, and I now have over 9000 hits! One comment mentioned that Ryan Higa, of YouTube fame, Twittered about MY video!!!! I checked Twitter, and sure enough, there it is! Plus, he favorited it on YouTube!
I doubt if he’ll ever see this, but thank you, Ryan, for promoting my video! 🙂
**Note from author: The video, to this date, has over 130,000 hits.**