Ovarian Cancer Awareness: Beverly’s Story

Since this is OC awareness month, and it is soon coming to a close, I wanted to share someone else’s story. Please read about Beverly, one of my Teal Sisters on a group I am a part of on Facebook!

“On May 9 2014 I noticed some slight swelling in my stomach. By May 16 my stomach was so swollen it was hard as a rock and I had trouble catching my breath so I went to the emergency room. They informed me that I had an 11cm tumor and referred me to the gynecological oncologist. I went to see him on the 19th and had 10 pounds of fluid drained out of my stomach. My 42nd birthday was on the 20th. On May 21st I had another 10 pounds of fluid drained from my abdomen and had a CT biopsy. On May 23rd I was told that I had a spot above my liver and one above my spleen in addition to the larger tumor on my right ovary. I was told that it was ovarian cancer stage 3b. I also had another 10 pounds of fluid removed from my abdomen on the 23rd as well for a total of 30 pounds of fluid removed. My chemo began on June 5th on a 3 week cycle. As of today I have had 3 carbo/taxol chemo’s. I receive the nuelasta shot after each chemo. I was told on 8/1 that my tumors had shrank 50% and my doctor agreed to go ahead and give me my surgery on 8/19. I am to have a total hysterectomy and debulking. Then I am to have 3-4 more chemo’s. I had a port installed in my chest in July. ALL of my hair fell out after the first chemo. Had my surgery on 8/19 which included the tumor removal, complete hysterectomy, Oophorectomy, and debulking. Remained in the hospital for 6 days before being released. Started back on the chemo on 9/18 but am now doing dose-dense chemo meaning that I have chemo once per week for 3 weeks and then 1 week off. Will go thru this cycle 4 times and then get another CT scan to check progress.”

~Beverly Smith Scott~

(I am hoping to at least one more OC story to share soon!)


I am a married mother of 3 kids who is a self-proclaimed Lion King fanatic! I am obsessed with crafting, and anything Coca-Cola. I am also a survivor of both ovarian and endometrial cancers (plus breast and colon pre-cancers), and pay it forward by volunteering for Relay for Life and The American Cancer Society.

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