Well, some good news for a change. The insurance mess I mentioned previously has been resolved…kind of. They did (FINALLY) retro us back to January of 2011. (Come on, it WAS their mistake. I don’t understand why we had to take it to the union to get them to do that!) But now comes the headache of re-processing all of the old bills to get refunds where we overpaid.

Other good news: a letter came from Social Security yesterday. It was a CC of one sent to my lawyer. SS is reviewing my claim before it goes to a hearing. Apparently, if the lawyer gets all of the information to SS that he has compiled, they might approve it WITHOUT a hearing! This will be SO great if this happens.

As for me, medically, I’m hanging in there. My migraines have been hitting me non-stop for the past two weeks. I am see my PCP tonight, and hopefully I will get maybe a change in meds. Or, possibly, a referral to a neurologist to tweak the meds better. I am still not getting much sleep. Maybe a sleep aid of some sort?

Speaking of sleeping aids, Sierra has the lack of sleep issue going on, as well. The doctor is making her take melatonin. (It is over the counter, but I am afraid to take it myself without having it interfere with all of the other meds. I will have to talk to the doctor about it.)

Brian: He underwent the surgery in his hand to have the plate removed a couple of weeks ago. All went well, and he just got the stitches removed this week. He did have issues I yelled at him about, though. *LOL* The doctor and nurse in the hospital, post-op, said he could not do anything with the wrist until his post-op visit in 2 weeks. Well, my husband decided that working on his boat was okay. He came in the house with oily black grime all over the bandaging, just days after surgery! Considering he could not wash the area, I was so worried about him getting infected. MEN!!!!

Buddy: Still the same on the back issues. The lump was ruled out to be anything bad through various tests. So, they are pretty certain it is enlarged because of his acne. Because of this, he has to be more aggressive at treating it. And it annoys him, because his attitude is “no one cares about my acne except you”. To hear the doctor yelling at him about it…it kind of gave me a bit of satisfaction? At least someone is backing me up, because sometimes getting Brian on board to fight Buddy on that subject is like pulling teeth.

Kenzie: She has not seen the doctor yet, because she is not accepting new patients! Wow…now we are in the process of trying to find someone else. The PCP is not much help in this, saying that the doctor we were referred to is the only one they really know of. Complications…

But, because we always need to have something added to the mix, we got served with lawsuit paperwork. Apparently the plow that HIT BRIAN is suing him for “being in the way”? This is all we need right now. Thank God for the insurance company, who is putting the lawyers to work to try to settle this whole thing.

Well, that is hopefully all the is to report for now. 🙂


I am a married mother of 3 kids who is a self-proclaimed Lion King fanatic! I am obsessed with crafting, and anything Coca-Cola. I am also a survivor of both ovarian and endometrial cancers (plus breast and colon pre-cancers), and pay it forward by volunteering for Relay for Life and The American Cancer Society.

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