Strange sickness (part 3)

It has now been 5 1/2 weeks, and the sickness continues. (More previous info in part 1 and part 2.)  Shortly after my last post on August 16, I ended up in the emergency room later that evening with horrible abdominal pain. This, of course, included more doctors baffled over the rash. After more blood work and a CT scan, they were not able to find anything that stood out. Since the pain was on my whole abdomen and radiating to my back, I guess it was too non specific to work with.

The following Tuesday, I was back at the PCP. I already knew I “failed” a few blood tests, namely my SED rate and the liver function. So the doctor monitored the rash, and sent me for a retest of the blood work I failed, as well as a few more tests. (The numbers got higher on the retests, and I failed one of the new tests.) On Thursday, the pain management doctor doubled my painkillers in light of the more recent pain problems. Saturday, the 23rd, I ended up yet again in the ER, with more severe abdominal pain. I was sent home with no answers. In light of all these extra issues, though, my oncologist is moving my appointment from October up to September, the earliest possible open appointment.

On Tuesday, the 27th, I was back at the PCP. Thankfully, by this point, the blisters burst. So the rashes do not look quite so horrible anymore. More bloodwork, of course, to be done in a few weeks, with a month out follow-up at this point, since I am not getting better.  Thursday’s follow-up with the dermatologist gets the stitches from the biopsy out. And the biopsy leaves us all more confused, as it’s inconclusive…meaning they still don’t know why the rash happened. I suggested perhaps it’s dermatomyositis, which can be tied to ovarian cancer. The doctor said at first, he didn’t think it was. Then he said, that it’s not like I’ve been feeling muscle pain. I looked at him strangely, and told him that I HAVE been having muscle pain, flu-like, for the past 5 weeks! I mean, this was all ignored obviously on the first visit. After hearing that, he replied that, Oh, I guess it could be that then. He sent me for more blood-work to test for that specifically.

So, it’s still a waiting game. I’m not getting better, except for the rash slightly improving. The dizziness and unsteadiness seems to get progressively worse. I am disheartened, because my husband and I are going away next weekend for out anniversary, to NYC. It’s pre-paid and non-refundable. So, at this point, it looks like Brian will be pushing me in a wheelchair around the city, and I’ll be popping a LOT of anti-nausea and dizzy spell pills. *sigh*

More updates as I get them!


I am a married mother of 3 kids who is a self-proclaimed Lion King fanatic! I am obsessed with crafting, and anything Coca-Cola. I am also a survivor of both ovarian and endometrial cancers (plus breast and colon pre-cancers), and pay it forward by volunteering for Relay for Life and The American Cancer Society.

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