Strange sickness

I guess this is a little bit shorter of a gap in posting than normal. 🙂

I got back from vacation about 2 weeks ago. Half way through the week in Ocean City MD, I started feeling ill. (Sore throat, cough, and allergy type symptoms.) I did not think much of it, because the darn rental was full of black mold! Yes, you read that right…it cover ceiling and floor surfaces, the shower curtains, etc. I am allergic to mold, of course, so it hit me fairly quickly.

Coming home from the trip, i expected to recover now that the exposure was gone. And some of the more “allergy” like symptoms went away…to be replaced with headaches, cold sweats, body aches, nausea, and just general flu feeling stuff. No fever, though. This past Thursday, I had enough, and went to the doctor. I mentioned the black mold, and all the symptoms, and they basically said it was just a virus that had to resolve itself. I was given cough meds (prescription) and told to take Sudafed, as well. If i didn’t feel better by today, I should call and come back in.

Last night, however, I got really freaked out. A strange rash showed up in two patches on my abdomen. The rashes came out of nowhere (they were not there hours earlier) and were red and full of HUGE blisters! So off to the emergency room we went! After like 3 hours, the doctors were all baffled. In fact, I saw quite a few doctors who came in because they heard about my rash and wanted to see it. I felt like a circus exhibit. They sent me home with a Benadryl and orders to get Hydrocortizone cream. The bubbles have gotten bigger if anything.

So I am off to the doctor tomorrow to have them figure it out. I am a bit worried, though, now. My mom spoke to someone whose mom had the same type of rash, and it ended up being an ovarian cancer symptom…and since I am in remission from ovarian cancer, could this be a comeback? I looked it up, and it is pretty common as a symptom. *sigh*

More news when I can…


I am a married mother of 3 kids who is a self-proclaimed Lion King fanatic! I am obsessed with crafting, and anything Coca-Cola. I am also a survivor of both ovarian and endometrial cancers (plus breast and colon pre-cancers), and pay it forward by volunteering for Relay for Life and The American Cancer Society.

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  • My prayers are with you Lyn, I pray this rash will disappear and you feel better. You and your family have been through so much these last few years. Your such a strong person, and inspiration to others. God be with you and your family <3

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