Though I have posted other things in between, it has been a month since posting my last real update. I did finally get my disability, and the kids were approved, as well. Since both Buddy and Sierra have major medical issues, they were both flagged as “disabled”. This paves the way if they wish to be classified as “disabled adult children”, which it looks likely they both may choose to do.

Buddy‘s surgery helped some, but he is still in a lot of pain, and his movement is not all that great. A follow-up with the surgeon is coming soon, but we already knew going in that the surgery would not fix the pain for certain. The fusion DID prevent any more slippage, so that is a good thing. But he dreamed of becoming a chef. And in technical school, he can’t even stand for the duration of the class. He just can’t imagine having to be on his foot for 8 hour work days, or more!

Sierra, on the other hand, is in so much pain from her fibromyalgia. She dreamed of being a vet & animal cop. Her hand shaking led to her decision to drop the vet dream (so she does not accidentally harm an animal during surgery with her shaking), and focus on just the animal cop part. Now…she is in so much pain she sometimes cannot even leave the house. How can she be expected to get gainful employment if she stays home a lot…and can’t move a lot.

Kenzie, as usual, is my little trooper. She is the only one *crossing my fingers* who seems to be exempt from these medical issues. She had her own, with two eye surgeries in her past, but seems to be my healthy one.

Brian’s heart issues have seemed to resolve! That is the good news. The bad news? Even though they have done many tests, they cannot find the source of his blood loss and anemia. He is getting ready to have surgery to remove a few hemorrhoids. The doctor said it is not the reason for most of the blood loss, but they might as well take care of them.

As for me, same old stuff. Pain all over via fibromyalgia, foot not working. Not much different. I do see my primary care doctor in April. And my gyn/onc appointment has to be coming up, as well. And the abdominal pain near the most recent gallbladder surgery seems to be getting worse. We knew that it would be vulnerable to a hernia, so I will sir back and see what happens.


I am a married mother of 3 kids who is a self-proclaimed Lion King fanatic! I am obsessed with crafting, and anything Coca-Cola. I am also a survivor of both ovarian and endometrial cancers (plus breast and colon pre-cancers), and pay it forward by volunteering for Relay for Life and The American Cancer Society.

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