Well, I guess it’s about time for some more updates! (I’ve been slacking so much on this!)
Gidget went to her new home! Now we still have the cats. The one shelter did not work out, as they are on a freeze until their inspection. I’m currently working with a rescue group, that I’m hoping will work out.
Well, just when I didn’t think things could get any worse… *LOL* … I fell down the stairs at night and sprained my ankle. Of course, it was my driving foot. Totally my fault. I’m still not used to being in a new house, and I groggily went to use the restroom…without my glasses. (Sometimes I forget, because I’m so used to wearing contacts all day.)
My parents had a Christmas party this weekend for the antique car club members. We all helped them with the last minute cleaning and cooking. (As much as I could, anyhow, with an Ace bandage and a limp. *LOL*) It was a big success!
Today was a trial, as my mom is away until Wednesday. I had to drive Kenzie to her bus stop, and the foot wasn’t agreeing with that.
Tomorrow is a meeting with the lawyers. I’m hoping for some good news updates on the case!
I find out this week if the mesh from the hernia is infected or not. If it is, as mentioned previously, it will all need to come out and be replaced. I’m praying that everything is ok. More updates on that on Thursday.