Updates for a New Year!

A new year begins, and hopefully things will start turning around for us soon. There really is no new progress for me. I will be starting physical therapy again, soon. But there is really nothing as a particular reason. I guess the doctor figures it won’t hurt. My immune system is the same…pretty bad. *LOL* I’m sick again, which is pretty bad timing. But, anyhow, it is really just the normal stuff for me. Onto the others:

Buddy: His new doctor actually decided against the surgeries for now. But, he will have to wear a back brace for about six weeks. He just got it on Friday. I dread what he will be going through in school. I guess he is a bit happy, though, to be free of gym for a while. But…it also meant the obvious exclusion of the musical. Obviously, the PT has been put on hold, as well.

Sierra: They’ve pretty much decided she has Fibromyalgia, as we suspected. All of the tests came out negative for other stuff. Unfortunately, the medication for Fibro is not yet determined to be safe for anyone under 18. So, medication-wise, she has about 3 years before she can get some relief from Lyrica or something similar. For now, they are trying her out on OMT once a week. They are seeing how it works. It is frustrating, as a parent, to know your child is in pain with the same things you have, and you are helpless. As an adult, I can take the medications she is being denied. Simple things that a normal kid takes for granted are an everyday struggle for her. All I can hope is that these treatments will give her at least a bit of relief. Beyond that? She is in God’s hands.

Brian: He is doing SO well! The physical therapist is very surprised at just how much progress he is making. He sees the doctor in a little over a week, so hopefully we will get some good news on the healing of his wrist. As for the lump, it ending up being a hematoma. He went into interventional radiology to have it drained a few weeks ago. Unfortunately, he came home with a drain. He is handling the care of it a lot better than I expected. I think, perhaps, seeing me go through multiple drains over the past few years between an abscess and post-op, it puts things in a better perspective for him and he is more capable of handling it. But, the fluids are not diminishing as much as I’d like. So we will see how it goes! He is getting stir-crazy being stuck not working. So I hope his doctor clears him soon to go back to work.

Kenzie: Once again, she is the healthy one out of the bunch! She is also such a big help to everyone else. 🙂 And considering she is the only one of us who can bend to pick things up without difficultly, she helps a lot more than she realizes.

I hope to have more updates soon…


I am a married mother of 3 kids who is a self-proclaimed Lion King fanatic! I am obsessed with crafting, and anything Coca-Cola. I am also a survivor of both ovarian and endometrial cancers (plus breast and colon pre-cancers), and pay it forward by volunteering for Relay for Life and The American Cancer Society.

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