Updates from the slacker! :)

I know, I know, the updates are getting few and further between. For once, not all of this update will be about me. Yes, another member of my family is being plagued with medical problems now, too.

As I mentioned in my last posting, my foot got the MRI. At the follow-up with the orthopedic doctor, I ended up getting put into a foot brace. This is the same type that I had with my break in the same foot like 4 years ago. I will be in it a total of 4 week, before they start physical therapy. The doctor said all this complicated stuff, but I guess what it all amounts to is tendon damage.

The new pains have not been diagnosed yet. I had a CT scan last week, and will follow-up next week. Hopefully this will not be something else that needs a new surgery. I also should be following up with my endocrine testing, soon, too.

Now on to my husband….

We recently switched primary care doctors, so we all had physicals. I forced my husband to mention the fact that he has been experiencing bleeding for some time, so he got sent for a colonoscopy. (I’ll let you all draw your own conclusions on where the bleeding is going on. *LOL*) Well, his colonoscopy turned out perfectly normal (huh?), but they then informed us he had an extra heartbeat when they monitored him. So, back we went to the primary care doctor. To further follow up on the blood, which was not explained from the last test, he was referred for a endoscopy. The doctor then did an EKG, and saw the same heart issue. (He had been hoping, in vain, that the extra beat showed up during the procedure due to the meds.) So now he was referred to a heart specialist, as well. He is still being tested for stuff with that, so I will follow-up on those results maybe next week. But, he did go for the endoscopy. During this procedure, they found something wrong in his esophagus. The pathology just came back to reveal it to be Barrett’s Esophagus. He will be going in to discuss this next week, as well. The odd thing is, he never had any acid reflux, which is usually what this condition arises from.

On a side note, Kenzie has been having eye issues, again. As some of you remember, she had two lazy eyes. She had surgery last year to correct the issue, however, it seemed one of the eyes got over-corrected. The doctors said it might correct on it’s own, but it is still pretty severe. We found a new specialist where we live, and he tried to patch it first in a last ditch attempt. This did not help. So, Kenzie is being scheduled for eye surgery, again, in September.

Anyone who is praying for our family, put it into overdrive. 🙂


I am a married mother of 3 kids who is a self-proclaimed Lion King fanatic! I am obsessed with crafting, and anything Coca-Cola. I am also a survivor of both ovarian and endometrial cancers (plus breast and colon pre-cancers), and pay it forward by volunteering for Relay for Life and The American Cancer Society.

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